yyrhp 2021-08-01 08:36 空载功率计算: 空载和额定负载下的无功功率不一样,负载的无功功率比空载时多铜损值。空载时电机输入功率=1.732*U*I0*cos.
If you have an application localized in pt-brand pt-pt, what language you should choose if the system is reporting only pt code (generic Portuguese)?
I\'m working in Pascal, I don\'t understand why I\'m getting an NZEC (Non Zero Exit Code) error when I\'m submitting my problem. On my PC it works perfectly. Can you give me your opinion please?
品牌型号:川势电气变压器 系统:S11-M315kva变压器能承载267.75千瓦。一般变压器的额定功率因数为0.85,因此315kVA的变压器,可以带的负荷为267.75(kW)。但是,变压器实际运