I tried to implement SoundEffect from QtMobilityKit in QML to play music file in Meego Harmattan. I found that it can only play .wav file.
Is there any way to work with camera with QCamera class in Nokia N9 (Meego 1.2 Harmattan) or I should use another one?
For example a Button component has a default background property of: \"image://theme/meegotouch-button\"+__invertedString+\"-background\"+(position?\"-\"+position:\"
Nokia has recently announced Nokia N9 with MeeGo 1.2 \"Harmattan. Some forums are saying that it is differed from intel MeeGo. Is it true? What is Maemo?
夜影兀怜 2022-03-20 01:01 祛斑应该选择科学的祛斑方式,并且选择具备正规备案的祛斑产品,但是祛斑只用祛斑产品是不行的。还需要结合自身色斑形成的具体原因来分析如何科学祛斑的。