I\'ve recently installed the paperclip gem to my Rails 3 app. I am trying to allow users to upload an avatar to their profile. I followed the install instructions and here is what my models/views look
Below is my validations for image content type which works fine. validates_attachment_size :icon, :less_than => MAX_SIZE.megabytes, :message => \"Max size is 1 mb\"
I was using paperclip for file upload. with validations as below: validates_attachment_content_type :upload, :content_type=>[\'application/pdf\'],
I\'m using paperclip to upload image in my app. The validation I\'ve is : validates_attachment_content_type :image, :content_type => [\'image/jpg\',\'image/jpeg\', \'image/png\', \'image/tiff\',
I use Paperclip 2.3.11 in my Rails 3 application, and have the following validation: validates_attachment_size :asset, :less_than => 2.megabytes,
天下有我更精彩 2022-03-19 20:44 开发者_如何学编程 根据成语接龙规则,开头为“俩”的成语根本就无法找到,所以这是一个BUG,一个顶俩就是一个无法被领取的接龙红包!a小小白菜