I have a Dev Express ASPxComboBox: <dx:ASPxComboBox runat=\"server\" ID=\"DropDownListTemplates\" DataSourceID=\"SqlDataSourceTemplates\" ValueField=\"template_id\" TextField=\"name\"
I have an ASPxComboBox which I was able to get filtering correctly on user input. Now I want to save the selected item to the database. But when I try to get the SelectedItem it is null.
u_105527652 2022-03-19 16:51 开发者_Python百科 操作方法01首先要站好位置,差不多在屏幕右侧刚好能看见对方整个身体的位置。02接着神速一脚踢,要踢到极限距离,这样的成功率会更高。03然后使用反向2段技能攻