I\'m building an app coded in Java/Android and using the Google Task API but I have hit a major problem.
I am trying to update dueDate for task: Task updatedTask = service.tasks.get(gTask.getTaskListGuid(), gTask.getGuid()).execute();
I am in the process of building an app that syncs with Google Tasks. As part part of the syncing, I want to compare the local task and the API task, and see which one has been changed more recently.
We are building service that will synchronize with user Google Tasks data, so if user add/edit/delete task in GTa开发者_JAVA百科sk, so it will be added/edited/deleted in our service.
qkoufu701 2022-03-20 05:39 “近西数树犹堪醉”下一句是:“半落春风半在枝”,这是出自于 唐朝 白居易 所著的《杏园花落时招钱员外同醉》。附《杏园花落时招钱员外同醉》全文赏析杏园花落时招钱员外同醉作者: