I am using SimpleGeo for business places for my iPhone, simply The Flow is iPhone --> PHP page --> --> SimpleGeo server.
I\'m new to Javascript and I\'m trying to eventually make something that will get the users location in using the getLocation API with HTML5, and use simpleGeo to get the building of the coordinates.
Is there a straightforward way to load a .csv file into Simplegeo Storage? I don\'t have great coding skills and I\'m trying to get things set up so I can ask a freelancer to create some maps for my a
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So I\'m trying out polymaps as a beginner, adapting the midnight commander example: var po = org.polymaps;
I have the following response in JSON format, but, can\'t seem to figure out how to obtain the logitude and latitude from it
I\'m working with SimpleGeo API and I need to get place\'s latitude/longitude by ZIP code or city name. I know there is a plenty of questions in SO about getting coordinates by ZIP code, and there are