I\'m drawing a deployment diagram and I have one node that communicates with a second one through TCP/IP, however, this second node also hears UDP messages from the first one, how can I model that on开
_WeCh****55261 2022-03-20 00:38 柳瑟舞 楚萤萱 苏樱雪 曲华裳 魏蒹葭 鲁瑶依古雯菲 古灵儿 古逸雯 古蕴飞 古翰(翰林学士之意) 古悦~~ 古董儿 古雪乔 古美馨 馨:香气 古碧琪 琦:美玉 古颖萱 颖:聪颖 萱: