I am inserting a new object in my database table, but I keep on retrieving a exception that states....
I\'ve got some help and was led to this page and this explanation, which should contain a efficient way to aggregate things.
I\'m also having trouble to get data from Stored Procedure through ref_cursor . Maybe you could advise how did you resolve that issue -
How to properly call DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT.DESEncrypt? (without using PL/SQL if possible) select DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT.DESEncrypt(\'x\',\'y\') from dual;
作曲 : 蓝颜 作词 : 岳小墨演唱 : 蓝颜和声 : 绿昕美声 : 许冬燕用不出字的笔写下一首幻想曲抚摸着皱纹来对比打火匣生出锈的痕迹老鞋匠的个性烟嘴要咬成畸形他的故事没人会听他说人心比冬天更冷我口袋一天天变轻我胡