刘宗元 2021-05-10 04:59 _一蓑烟雨几缕清梦:突然想起那些丢弃在下水道河边的厕所里的弃婴,未曾看见开发者_C百科过世界就被世界摧毁。据统计全世界每年堕胎1500w,中国就占了大约1300w,愚昧的性启蒙落后的性
I\'d like to plot this vs. time, with the actual dates (years actually, 1997,1998...2010).The dates are in a raw format, ala SAS, days since 1960 (hence as.date conversion).If I convert the dates usin
I\'m new to flash in general and have been writing a program with two classes that extend MovieClip (Stems and Star).
I have a log file containing some Whois entries with relative IP addresses which I want to censor like:
过期爱情 雨宗林 专辑:最美的时光 电视剧原声带 语种:国语 发行时间:2013-11-23