Setup: 64bit Linux 64bit SUN Jvm 1.6.0_20 Weblogic 10.3 Is it possible to run Weblogic 10.3 in this setup with a maximum heap size of 8gb? We have recived answers from oracle support that states t
I\'m trying to use the Facebook Javascript API to run FQL queries, and it works fine if I try and get users by username or uid, but doesn\'t work when I\'m searching by name.
I\'ve got this code which i execute on phpmyadmin which works 100% Create Temporary Table Searches( id int, dt datetime);
The Product table has 700K records in it.The query: SELECT TOP 1 ID, Name FROMProduct WHERE contains(Name, \'\"White Dress\"\')
360U2708087707 2022-03-19 18:16 待我长发及腰,将军归来可好?此身君子意逍遥,怎料山河萧萧。天光乍破遇,暮雪白头老。寒剑默听奔雷,长枪独守空壕。醉卧沙场君莫笑,一夜吹彻画角。江南晚来客,红绳结发梢