朱强 2021-05-01 00:48 能在锁车的时候车喇叭响一声需要一直按着锁车键,车的喇叭会响三声。喇叭: 喇叭是汽车的音响信号装置。在汽车的行驶过程中,驾驶员根据需要和规定发出必需的音响信号,警告行人和
大宝跟二宝 2021-06-08 02:46 有禁止鸣笛的路段按喇叭的,处以 100 元罚款(具体罚款金额依当地实施办法规定执行)。
A simple example. alt text http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/1854/51445300.jpg A have a class TDMReader which is a buldier of TDMFile objects and I am using Auto Implemented Properties f.e.
Whilst reading through the book \"The well grounded Rubyist\", I came across some strange behaviour. The idea behind the code is using one\'s own method_missing method. The only thing I am not able to