李强 2021-02-10 01:49 才话别已深秋 只一眼就花落 窗台人影独坐 夜沉的更寂寞 一段路分两头 爱了却要放手 无事东风走过 扬起回忆如昨摇摇欲坠 不只你的泪 还有仅剩的世界 嘲笑的风 高唱的离别 我却 听不见穿越
千年泪 Tank 专辑:天外飞仙 电视原声带 语种:国语 流派:Soundtrack 唱片公司:华研国际音乐
Any ideas how to force a GAC DLL into referenced? Here is my issue, I constantly use a 3rd party DLL that registers itself into the GAC, and when I use it in my project, it reads it from the gac, and