I cant seem to find any documentation on using AMQP transactions through the Kombu api. This page talks about appending a message to the transactional state but it does not seem related.
I have a single RabbitMQ exchange with a single queue.I wish to create a daemon that runs multiple threads and works through this queue as quickly as possible.
Pardon the copy and paste from the python interpreter but I\'m trying to play with Kombu but I can\'t seem to create a consumer. Please help, I\'m utterly in the dark here.
Has anyone used pidbox.Mailbox ? I am attempting to do something similar to that example, but that documentation is way out of date.I have managed to get something that pubishes messages to a django
Hey all, i am trying to get my bottom bar to center on the screen but i am unable to do so. <style type=\"text/css\">