I only found a remark that local memory is slower than register memory, the two-per-thread types. Shared memory is supposed to be fast, but is it faster than local memory [of the thread]?
i am trying to allocate shared memory by using a constant parameter but getting an error. my kernel looks like this:
Today I added four more __local variables to my kernel to dump intermediate results in. But just adding the four more variables to the kernel\'s signature and adding the corresponding Kernel arguments
The size of the shared memory (\"local memory\" in OpenCL terms) is only 16 KiB on most nVIDIA GPUs of today.
In a simple LightsOut game, when I click on a light I need to toggle the image on a button. I\'m doing this with Tkinter, so I thought I\'d just check and see what image is currently on the button (ei