每当变幻时 2021-07-15 08:14 西洋参甲鱼汤材料:活甲鱼一只(约500克)清水1500ml西洋参片25克红枣8颗姜3大片黄酒1茶匙(5ml)盐1/2茶匙(3克)做法:1)将甲鱼去头和内脏,斩成四大块,洗净后备用。2)汤锅中倒
I am looking to use Berkeley DB to create a simple key-value storage system. The keys will be SHA-1 hashes, so they are in 160-bit address space. I have a simple server working, that was easy enough t
I have a COM object written in Visual Fox Pro 9.0. It has the following procedure: PROCEDURE GetArray(m.vcArrayName as String) as array