I\'m sending a string of MIDI packets using MIDIPacketListAdd. I want to change the packets dynamically during playback, so I\'m using a NSTimer to add each packet before the scheduled time the packet
I\'m working on a little hack sending MIDI messages from an app using RtMidi as a wrapper for CoreMIDI on OS X. I use RtMidiOut::openVirtualPort(\"MyAwesomePort\") so I can select my app as an input s
I\'ve started working on a command-line app based on RtMidi that can send arbitrary MIDI data. I\'ve found that, while I can talk to MIDI devices when I run the tool from the console, if I ssh in to m
I\'m looking for a cross-platform C or C++ MIDI library. Just to send/receive MIDI note events, control codes and timing, not to generate sound.
I\'m processing Midi on the iPad and everything is working fine and I can log everything that comes in and all works as expected.However, in trying to recieve long messages (ie Sysex), I can only get
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