139****8992 2021-09-23 13:14 开发者_开发百科 顶缸:代人受过的意思拔罐子 :北京歇后语,骂人的,形容没事儿找事儿,瞎折腾吃苍蝇 : 就是说干了事情,心里不爽,就像吃了苍蝇一样恶心呗上眼药”:就是向领导
I attempted to download the php_mongo.dll from this link (http://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/downloads) and added the extension to php. However it doesn\'t work at all.
I\'ve been attempting to write a client/server app with boost now, so far it sends and receives but I can\'t seem to just read X bytes into a vector.
First, I\'m using an NSURLConnection to download JSON data from twitter. Then, I\'m using a second NSURLConnection to download corresponding user avatar images (the urls to the images are parsed from