Are there any tools that can transform C++ code to xml, or some other format that would be easier to parse?
Apparently it is available (www.apple.com/ipad/sdk/), but I can\'t find a changelog... Not used to apple.com though.
I\'m setting up a web application with multiple forms. Each form is defined within an asp:FormView with the DataSource set to an ObjectDataSource. Each form contains it\'s own set of fields and开发者_
品牌型号:iPhone13 pro 系统:IOS15.4 软件版本:滴滴6.2.4滴滴是中国的。开发商是北京小桔科技有限公司,成立于2012年07月10日,注册地位于北京市海淀区东北旺西路8号院35号