M42****139 2021-07-22 18:32 开发者_开发百科 材料1.马力油画颜料大支,一支10元。一般买20支左右,支出200元左右。画一幅画一般各种颜色用一点点,估计颜料成本在20元左右。2.调色油和松节油。一般大瓶的都是
等一个人L 开发者_运维问答 2021-08-26 05:34 上门安装海尔的电热水器大概需要角阀2个,ppr管活接4个,ppr管若干。费用大概150元左右。
枫一样的侽亽级 2021-10-03 22:47 材料费一般国产报销百分之90,进口报销百分之80,而且医保报销有额度限制的,比如材料半髋手术(股骨头置换)限额2万,材料费3万,就是超出的那一万全部自费,那两万百分之九
I have a problem. I wrote example code and I want to build it without the error: main.cpp(.text+0x5): undefined reference to `test()\'
I have been doing javascript development for the last couple weeks and have tried JSDT and Aptana to assist in code completion.JSDT wasn\'t very good at all, but I did have more luck with Aptana (used