I want to create some simple copy protection for my program, I want my program could be run only from original read-only optical di开发者_运维知识库sc (CD/DVD), my question is:
I have seen the wikipedia article which is a bit sketchy on the details. I would like to know, in addition to general principles of operation, some practical details like:
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I am implementing a way to transfer a set of data to a programmable dongle. T开发者_如何学编程he dongle is based on a smart card technology and can execute an arbitrary code inside. The input and outp
I’ve been investigating how to use this device as an external antenna for an Android phone.Ideall开发者_运维问答y I’d like to be able to take advantage of the phone\'s Micro USB port to connect the
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I am trying to count characters in comments included in C code using Python and Regex, but no success. I can erase strings first to get rid of comments in strings, but this will erase string in commen
该用户很懒_316 2022-04-28 15:37 黑棘皮征:出现的病症是颈背部和腹股沟等地方的皮肤皱褶开发者_StackOverflow中文版区的皮肤加厚,出现灰褐色的色素沉着,质地柔软。与胰岛素抵抗是有密切关系的,是糖尿病存在