I\'m attempting to paginate a series of photos using the Kaminari gem. The images are being displayed in the Dog model\'s show action, and the photos have been uploaded using CarrierWave to开发者_开发
I\'m trying to include undo support using the paper_trail gem and the tutorial described in this railscast http://railscasts.com/episodes/255-undo-with-paper-trail.
I am using carrierwave and mongoid on a rails 3 application and am having an issue with an after_save callback.Consider the following
I am not sure if the image uploads just aren\'t saving or if I am saving them in the wrong place or what\'s wrong..right now when I generate the image tag with this code:
Errno::EACCES (Permission denied - c:/Users/myname/My Documents/Aptana Studio 3 Workspace/Sample App/First App/first_app/uploa
currently I am having an Art开发者_如何学JAVAicle model with one carrierwave uploader, requirements have changed and every Article should have n images attached.
Does anyone have any insights into using CarrierWave with an ActiveResource model (in Rails 3)? I\'ve got an ActiveResource model with field for the filename, and I want to save the file to the remote
I have 2 models - Album and AlbumImage. Each album has album images associated with them, and they are uploaded via the AlbumImageUploader class using Carrierwave.
I created 3 versions of my Avatar: process :resize_to_limit => [400, 400] version :big_thumb do process :resize_to_limit => [80, 80]
I\'m using CarrierWave in a Rails3 app to upload assets. All good on the upload side, but when the destroy method is invoked, the corresponding asset is not removed.