I have a need to take a 2D graph of n points and reduce it the r points (where r is a specific number less than n). For example, I may have two datasets with slightly different number of total points,
I have seen many examples in various programming languages that are using the Douglas-Peucker polyline simplification algorithm to produce a GPolyline to be used on Google Maps.
忆困血馆闻 2022-05-01 04:38 答案是【三姑六婆】 【解释】:比喻不务正业的妇女。【出自】:元·陶宗仪《辍耕录》卷十三:“三姑者,尼姑、道姑、卦姑也;六婆者,牙婆、媒婆、师婆、虔婆、药婆、稳婆也