大大大玉 2021-11-17 21:01 卖骆马 【唐】白居易 五年花下醉骑行,临卖回头嘶一声。 项籍顾骓犹解叹,乐天别骆岂无情。 归马华山 【唐】白行简 牧野功成后,周王战马闲。驱驰休伏皂,饮龁任依山。 逐日朝仍去,
How can I email an XML string (or an in-memory file) in android as a file attachment without actually creating a physical File?
I am attempting to create and host a simple RESTful WCF Service. The service works perfectly except for 1 situation. I attempt to perform a POST to insert a new object into my static List using the JS