I was fiddling with combinators in JavaScript and was being proud of (hopefully) getting S to work when I stumbled upon Wikipedia saying: "The Y combinator can be expressed in the SKI-calculus as
I\'m trying to learn the Y-combinator better (I sort of understand it in Scheme) and implement it in D 2.0, and I\'m failing pretty miserably:
I\'ve spent some time wrapping my head around the Y combinator lately, and I\'ve found that it is usually defined (more or less) as follows (this is in C#, but the language of choice isn\'t important)
In order to learn what a fixed-point combinator is and is used for, I wrote my own. But instead of writing it with strictly anonymous functions, like Wikipedia\'s example, I just used define:
this closure works: var o = { foo: 5 }; o.handler = function(obj){ return function() { alert(obj.foo); }; }(o);
Is it possible to write the Y Combinator in Haskell? It seems like it would have an infinitely recursive type.
I\'m using F# to create a lambda calculus. I am currently stuck trying to figure out how I would implement the fixed-point operator (also called Y combinator).
Doing the Y-Combinator for a single argument function such as factorial or fibonacci in Clojure is well documented:
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