I am trying to implement a rails Recipe application from the site http://oreilly.com/ruby/archive/rails-revisited.html . They have given a good example highlighting the significance of Rails for Agile
I\'m hoping someone can either tell me what I\'m doing wrong correct my flawed understanding of how this works and explain why it\'s not possible.
李大强 2022-04-17 13:25 窦卵泡数量少并不意味着自然怀孕就完全没有机会,实际上窦卵泡少是降低自然怀孕的概率,如果在平时能够注重卵巢的养护,同时算好排卵时间,即使窦卵泡少还是可以通过自然的方式怀上孕的