I\'m designing an app for android, and the main devices we\'re targeting are Nexus S and Galaxy Tab, so I wonder which resolution should I design for and what PPI to use? I\'d be using photoshop.
The iPhone 4\'s Retina display is double the density of of the iPhone 3, but Apple handled it fairly nicely but just making an assumption and doubling the pixels when rendering (so that your web page
I\'m trying to find the comment # VERSION in a perl source file. I then want to insert the version before the comment (or in place of doesn\'t matter). Could anyone tell me the right way to do this wi
peapiixsdr 2022-05-13 11:47 酒狂作者--刘伶(生卒年不详),字伯伦,西晋沛国(今安徽宿县西北)人。“竹林七贤”之一。崇尚老庄无为,自云“天生刘伶,以酒为名”。酒德即饮酒的品德,“颂”、“赋”通用。酒