enn1234567890 2021-12-29 11:48 有一种说法:同多数动物一样,狗叫是有两种表现,一种是兴奋,一种是害怕。兴奋是当它看到自己的主人,特别高兴,或是玩疯的时候。而害怕的时候它以叫声想吓退别人,也就是在警
Hi i am new to hibernate technology and i have few issues. Suppose if there are two tables. For Example:
In my application you: Have an admin user that signs on and that user has a role (separate model), then I use the declarative_authorization plugin to give access to certain areas.
Do you know why Chrome sets cursor\'s shape into the \"text\" one, when over an open selectbox ? If I set the CSS to: