I have a Postgres DB running 7.4 (Yeah we\'re in the midst of upgrading) I have four separate queries to get the Daily, Monthly, Yearly and Lifetime record counts
I\'m attempting to group contiguous date ranges to show the minimum and maximum date for each range. So far I\'ve used a solution similar to this one: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/71
I have a column in a database which provides datetime stamps for series of sensor readings. I\'d like to segment those reading into unbroken, continuous sets of sensor readings. If a sensor reading is
g++ simple_wget.cpp -lssl -lboost_system -lpthread -lcrypto -lboost_filesystem /tmp/cc2jNHvk.o: In function `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)\':