smang72 2022-01-14 19:06 1,上窜下跳读音:shàng cuàn xià tiào释义:到处蹿蹦;比喻人到处活动。出处:蒋子龙《一个工厂秘书的日记》:“上窜下跳,根据需要打出各种不同的旗号,把厂长的事情办成。”出
杨峰 2022-01-23 07:51 1,上窜下跳读音:shàng cuàn xià tiào释义:到处蹿蹦;比喻人到处活动。出处:蒋子龙《一个工厂秘书的日记》:“上窜下跳,根据需要打出各种不同的旗号,把厂长的事情办成。”出处
I am trying to find out all the oEmbed providers out there. I went to the oEmbed spec site and they have a few, but I found out a few other that weren\'t specified, like 5min video: