My project compiles and runs OK in debug mode, but when I switch to release x86_64 compiling, I get compiler errors for attempts to setBounds using NSRect. (The errors read “incompatible type for arg
-(void)CallingView2{ SettingsViewController *aSettingsView = [[SettingsViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@\"Settings\" bundle:nil];
I want to know how to place JButtons at a particular coordinate in the JFrame. All day I have seen layouts. This does not suit my purpose. I would prefer something like setBounds. Rumour has it that i
I am new to SWT, and I need to set the controls positions arbitrary on CTabItem. I\'ve used the following code, but it seems that it had no positioning effect, it just add the component to (0, 0)
大家好,伊人来为大家解答以上问题。抬头纹重怎么办,4个 消除抬头纹的方法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!