I am going out of my mind for the last two days with an IllegalArgumentException error I receive in Android code when trying to get a coordinates out of an address, or even reverse, get address out of
I\'m using Google\'s Geocoding API to get a JSON string containing geocode location information.Here\'s the string I am getting back from Google.
I have some markers on a map and when the user click them I use the google geocoder to get the address information. The issue is the format that Google returns this data. I want to display the address
My current data is hardcoded: var geoData = new google.visualization.DataTable(); geoData.addColumn(\'string\', \'City\');
I believe the Google API allows you to get coordinates for a given address. However, most (or should I say all) of the examples I\'ve found aren\'t for vb. Usually it\'s some javascript example that j
I\'m trying to use the Google geocoder API V3 to plot a location on a map based on an address specified by the user, code is below.
I can specify a square where the Geocoder shall search in, but I found no way to specify a certain country. Unfortunately, my country isn\'t quadrangular ;( What should I do? Use another reverse geoco
I want to add some extra parameters to the Google geocoder API ca开发者_开发技巧ll as I\'m running it in a loop, but am not sure how to append closure parameters to their anonymous function that alrea
I am trying to geocode a batch of around 400 addres开发者_StackOverflow中文版ses using the Google Geocoding API through my rails app.
I have multiple addresses recorded in my database and I\'ve used the Goo开发者_StackOverflowgle Geocoding service to get their longitude, latitude, etc.