In an iPhone Application, I just write one line to get the complete path for a specific file ( as below ).
I lost last 3 hours trying to do this. Im making an app that will ship with a DB filled with populated tables that would not change on clients devices.
I looked at the 2 examples on Stack, but can\'t get them to work.I\'m simply trying to grab an image from a folder in assets and set it as in ImageView, but get a null pointer returned.What am I doing
I did try samples, demos from Google codes and other resources with WebView, but when i try to do it in my own code, it doesn\'t work for me.
I am creating a simple android app to view a comic book. The pages are large(0.5-1 mb each), high quality .png\'s and I am loading them into a webview to make use of the built in zoom controls. So far
Trying to read a binary data file in the assets directory of android app: void loadFile(InputStream filein){
Doing Android 2.1 development. Can anybody explain to me why the following code generates a IOException and doesn\'t load the file? This exact code used to work, and as far as I can tell, it should st
My requirement is to open one app\'s Asset file from another app via content provider.(I am exposing that file with ContentProvider implementation)
I have used the code tip from hereto copy a pre-filled data file to the target and handled this in a asynch task.
初吻都去哪儿了 开发者_开发问答 2022-05-24 13:17 一字开头的成语 一帆风顺 一鸣惊人 一心一意一醉方休 一无是处一心二用一如既往 一刀两断 一片冰心一衣带水一往情深一了百了 一举两得 一日万机 一触即发一马