张国胜 2021-02-18 03:17 开发者_如何转开发 一首歌《女儿情》,悄悄问圣僧,女儿美不美?高继武
董文 2021-06-11 14:10 开发者_运维知识库女儿情 鸳鸯双栖蝶双飞 满园春色惹人醉 悄悄问圣僧 女儿美不美 女儿美不美 说什么王权富贵 怕什么戒律清规 只愿天长地久 与我意中人儿紧相随 爱恋伊 爱恋伊 愿今生常相
女儿情 (原唱: 吴静)开发者_如何学Go (悄悄问圣僧女儿美不美,女儿美不美) 烟雨苏扬
I have the following db-retrieve which results in the Listbox I like to have. But I need $desc2 to be shown under the listbox in a separate field and 开发者_开发问答it must change its content when th