Kotlin select使用方法介绍
- 一、select是什么
- 二、select和Channel
runblocking { suspend fun getCacheInfo(productId: String): Product { delay(100L) return Product(productId, 8.9) } suspend fun getNetworkInfo(productId: String): Product? { delay(200L) return Product(productId, 8.8) } fun updateUI(product: Product) { println("${product.productId} : ${product.price}") } val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val productId = "001" val cacheInfo = getCacheInfo(productId) if (cacheInfo != null) { updateUI(cacheInfo) println("Time cost: ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}") } val latestInfo = getNetworkInfo(productId) if (latestInfo != null) { updateUI(latestInfo) println("Time cost: ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}") } }
001 : 8.9
Time cost: 113001 : 8.8Time cost: 324
上述程序分为四步:第一步:查询缓存信息;第二步:缓存服务返回信息,更新 UI;第三步:查询网络服务;第四步:网络服务返回信息,更新 UI。
用户可以第一时间看到商品的信息,虽然它暂时会展示旧的信息,但由于我们同时查询了网络服务,旧缓存信息也马上会被替代成新的信息。但是可能存在一些问题:如果程序卡在了缓存服务,获取网络服务就会无法执行。是因为 getCacheInfo() 它是一个挂起函数,只有这个程序执行成功以后,才可以继续执行后面的任务。能否做到:两个挂起函数同时执行,谁返回的速度更快,就选择哪个结果。答案是使用select。
runBlocking { suspend fun getCacheInfo(productId: String): Product { delay(100L) return Product(productId, 8.9) } suspend fun getNetworkInfo(productId: String): Product { delay(200L) return Product(productId, 8.8) } fun updateUI(product: Product) { println("${product.productId} : ${product.price}") } val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val productId = "001" val product = select<Product?> { async { getCacheInfo(productId) }.onAwait { it } async { getNetworkInfo(productId) }.onAwait { it } } if (product != null) { updateUI(product) println("Time cost: ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}") } }
001 : 8.9
Time cost: 134 Process finished with exit code 0
由于缓存的服务更快,所以,select 确实帮我们选择了更快的那个结果。我们的 select 可以在缓存服务出现问题的时候,灵活选择网络服务的结果。从而避免用户等待太长的时间,得到糟糕的体验。
runBlocking { suspend fun getCacheInfo(productId: String): Product { delay(100L) return Product(productId, 8.9) } suspend fun getNetworkInfo(productId: String): Product { delay(200L) return Product(productId, 8.8) } fun updateUI(product: Product) { println("${product.productId} : ${product.price}") } val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val productId = "001" val cacheDeferred = async { getCacheInfo(productId) } val latestDeferred = async { getNetworkInfo(productId) } val product = select<Product?> { cacheDeferred.onAwait { it.copy(isCache = true) } latestDeferred.onAwait { it.copy(isCache = false) } } if (product != null) { updateUI(product) println("Time cost: ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}") } if (product != null && product.isCache) { val latest = latestDeferred.await() ?: return@runBlocking updateUI(latest) android println("Time cost: ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}") } }
001 : 8.9
Time cost: 124001 : 8.8Time cost: 228 Process finished with exit code 0
runBlocking { val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val prodphpuctId = "001" suspend fun getCacheInfo(productId: String): Product { delay(100L) return Product(productId, 8.9) } suspend fun getCacheInfo2(productId: String): Product { delay(50L) return Product(productId, 8.85) } suspend fun getNetworkInfo(productId: String): Product { delay(200L) return Product(productId, 8.8) } fun updateUI(product: Product) { println("${product.productId} : ${product.price}") } val cacheDeferred = async { getCacheInfo(productId) } val cacheDeferred2 = async { getCacheInfo2(productId) } val latestDeferred = async { getNetworkInfo(productId) } val product = select<Product?> { cacheDeferred.onAwait { it.copy(isCache = true) } cacheDeferred2.onAwait { it.copy(isCache = true) } latestDeferred.onAwait { it.copy(isCache = true) } } if (product != null) { updateUI(product) println("Time cost: ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}") } if (product != null && product.isCache) { val latest = latestDeferred.await() updateUI(latest) println("Time cost: ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}") } }
001 : 8.85Time cost: 79001 : 8.8Time cost: 229 Process finished with exit code 0
select 代码模式,可以提升程序的整体响应速度。
runBlocking { val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val channel1 = produce { send(1) delay(200L) send(2) delay(200L) send(3) } val channel2 = produce { delay(100L) send("a") delay(200L) send("b") delay(200L) send("c") } channel1.consumeEach { println(it) } channel2.consumeEach { println(it) } println("Time cost: ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}") }
123abcTime cost: 853 Process finished with exit code 0
runBlocking { val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val channel1 = produce { send(1) delay(200L) send(2) delay(200L) send(3) } val channel2 = produce { delay(100L) send("a") delay(200L) send("b") delay(200L) send("c") } suspend fun selectChannel( channel1: ReceiveChannel<Int>, channel2: ReceiveChannel<String> ): Any { return select<Any> { if (!channel1.isClosedForReceive) { channel1.onReceive { it.also { println(it) } } } if (!channel2.isClosedForReceive) { channel2.onReceive { it.also { println(it) } } } } } repeat(6) { selectChannel(channel1, channel2) } println("Time cost: ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}") }
1a2b3cTime cost: 574 Process finished with exit code 0
从代码执行结果可以发现程序的执行耗时有效减少。onReceive{} 是 Channel 在 select 当中的语法,当 Channel 当中有数据以后,它就会被回调,通过这个 Lambda,将结果传出去。执行了 6 次 select,目的是要把两个管道中的所有数据都消耗掉。
runBlocking { val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val channel1 = produce<String> { delay(5000L) } val channel2 = produce<String> { delay(100L) send("a") delay(200L) send("b") delay(200L) send("c") } suspend fun selectChannel( channel1: ReceiveChannel<String>, channel2: ReceiveChannel<String> ): String = select<String> { channel1.onReceive { it.also { println(it) } } channel2.onReceive { it.also { println(it) } } } repeat(3) { selectChannel(channel1, channel2) } println("Time cost: ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}") }
abcTime cost: 570 Process finished with exit code 0
runBlocking { val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val channel1 = produce<String> { dela编程y(5000L) } val channel2 = produce<String> { delay(100L) send("a") delay(200L) send("b") delay(200L) send("c") } suspend fun selectChannel( channel1: ReceiveChannel<String>, channel2: ReceiveChannel<String> ): String = select<String> { channel1.onReceiveCatching { it.getOrNull() ?: "channel1 is closed!" } channel2.onReceiveCatching { it.getOrNull() ?: "channel2 is closed!" } cYagfRlJo } repeat(6) { val result = selectChannel(channel1, channel2) println(result) } println("Time cost: ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}") }
abcchannel2 is closed!channel2 is closed!channel2 is closed!Time cost: 584 Process finished with exit code 0
得到所有结果以后,程序不会立即退出,因为 channel1 一直在 delay()。
runBlocking { val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val channel1 = produce<String> { delay(15000L) } val channel2 = produce<String> { delay(100L) send("a") delay(200L) send("b") delay(200L) send("c") } suspend fun selectChannel( channel1: ReceiveChannel<String>, channel2: ReceiveChannel<String> ): String = select<String> { channel1.onReceiveCatching { it.getOrNull() ?: "channel1 is closed!" } channel2.onReceiveCatching { it.getOrNull() ?: "channel2 is closed!" } } repeat(6) { val result = selectChannel(channel1, channel2) println(result) } channel1.cancel() channel2.cancel() println("Time cost: ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}") }
abcchannel2 is closed!channel2 is closed!channel2 is closed!Time cost: 612 Process finished with exit code 0
Deferred、Channel 的 API:
public interface Deferred : CoroutineContext.Element { public suspend fun join() public suspend fun await(): T public val onJoin: Sele开发者_C培训ctClause0 public val onAwait: SelectClause1<T> } public interface SendChannel<in E> public suspend fun send(element: E) public val onSend: SelectClause2<E, SendChannel<E>> } public interface ReceiveChannel<out E> { public suspend fun receive(): E public suspend fun receiveCatching(): ChannelResult<E> public val onReceive: SelectClause1<E> public val onReceiveCatching: SelectClause1<ChannelResult<E>> }
当 select 与 Deferred 结合使用的时候,当并行的 Deferred 比较多的时候,你往往需要在得到一个最快的结果以后,去取消其他的 Deferred。
通过 async 并发执行协程,也可以借助 select 得到最快的结果。
runBlocking { suspend fun <T> fastest(vararg deferreds: Deferred<T>): T = select { fun cancelAll() = deferreds.forEach { it.cancel() } for (deferred in deferreds) { deferred.onAwait { cancelAll() it } } } val deferred1 = async { delay(100L) println("done1") "result1" } val deferred2 = async { delay(200L) println("done2") "result2" } val deferred3 = async { delay(300L) println("done3") "result3" } val deferred4 = async { delay(400L) println("done4") "result4" } val deferred5 = async { delay(5000L) println("done5") "result5" } val fastest = fastest(deferred1, deferred2, deferred3, deferred4, deferred5) println(fastest) }
done1result1 Process finished with exit code 0
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