- 什么是雪花算法
- 位段详解
- 优点
- 问题
- 实际应用
- 具体实现
- 符号段
- 时间戳段
- 机器码段(data center + worker)
- 自增序列号段
- 第一位 : 符号位,正数为0。
- [2, 42] : 41位时间戳位,表明id的生成时间点(完整时间戳: 起始时间戳 + 41位时间戳)。41位最多能表示的时间为: (2^41-1) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365) 约等为69.73年。
- [43, 47] : 5位data center id。data center id + worker id 共10位,最多能表示1024个机器。不同机器保证机器码段的位值不同即可。
- [48, 52] : 5位worker id。data center id + worker id 共10位,最多能表示1024个机器。不同机器保证机器码段的位值不同即可。
- [53, 64] : 12位自增序列号,用于区分同一毫秒内生成的id。序列号范围: [0, 2^12-1],最多有2^12个,即4096个。
- 算法简单,基于内存,生成效率高
- 支持分布式环境下的多节点服务(机器码段),秒内可生成百万个唯一id
- 基于时间戳 与 同时间戳下自增序列号,生成的id具有自增性
- 具有业务定制性,根据业务的不同可以对不同段的位数进行变更。比如业务持续时长不会那么久,就可以将时间戳段减少位数,补充给自增序列段,使每一毫秒能生成更多的id。
- myBATis plus:使用雪花算法生成id:@TableId(value = “id”, type = IdType.ID_WORKER)。id字段若不指定类型,默认使用雪花算法生成id
- Hutool工具包:IdUtil.createSnowflake(workerId, datacenterId);
/** * Created by QQ.Cong on 2022-07-22 / 9:48 * * @author: CongQingquan * @Description: Snowflake util */ public class SnowflakeUtils { // ============================== Basic field =========================python=====// // Datacenter id private long datacenterId; // Worker id private long workerId; // Increment sequence private long sequence; // ============================== Bits ==============================// // Bits of datacenter id private long datacenterIdBits; // Bits of worker id private long workerIdBits; // Bits of sequence private long sequenceBits; // ============================== Largest ==============================// // Largest datacenter id private long largestDatacenterId; // Largest worker id private long largestWorkerId; 开发者_Python培训 // Largest sequence private long largestSequence; // ============================== Shift ==============================// // Left shift num of worker id private long workerIdShift; // Left shift num of datacenter id private long datacenterIdShift; // Left shift num of timestamp private long timestampShift; // ============编程客栈================== Other ==============================// // Epoch private long epoch; // The timestamp that last get snowflake id private long lastTimestamp; // ============================== End ==============================// public SnowflakeUtils(long dataCenterId, long workerId) { // Default epoch: 2022-07-22 00:00:00 this(1658419200000L, -1L, dataCenterId, workerId, 5L, 5L, 5L); } public SnowflakeUtils(long epoch, long lastTimestamp, long datacenterId, long workerId, long datacenterIdBits, long workerIdBits, long sequenceBits) { this.epoch = epoch; this.lastTimestaandroidmp = lastTimestamp; this.datacenterId = datacenterId; this.workerId = workerId; this.sequence = 0L; this.datacenterIdBits = datacenterIdBits; this.worke编程客栈rIdBits = workerIdBits; this.sequenceBits = sequenceBits; this.largestDatacenterId = ~(-1L << datacenterIdBits); this.largestWorkerId = ~(-1L << workerIdBits); this.largestSequence = ~(-1L << sequenceBits); if (datacenterId > largestDatacenterId || datacenterId < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("The datacenter id param can't be greater than %s or less than 0", largestDatacenterId)); } if (workerId > largestWorkerId || workerId < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("The worker id param can't be greater than %s or less than 0", largestWorkerId)); } this.workerIdShift = sequenceBits; this.datacenterIdShift = workerIdShift + workerIdBits; this.timestampShift = datacenterIdShift + datacenterIdBits; } /** * Get snowflake id * @return */ public synchronized long nextId() { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); // 若时钟回退 if (timestamp < lastTimestamp) { throw new RuntimeException( "System clock moved backward, cannot to generate snowflake id"); } // 若当前毫秒内多次生成雪花id if (timestamp == lastTimestamp) { sequence = (sequence + 1) & largestSequence; // 序列溢出 if (sequence == 0) { timestamp = waitUntilNextMilli(timestamp); } } // 若当前毫秒内首次生成雪花id else { sequence = 0L; } // 更新获取雪花id的时间戳 lastTimestamp = timestamp; // 生成雪花id (通过位或运算符进行拼接) return ((timestamp - epoch) << timestampShift) // 时间戳段 | (datacenterId << datacenterIdShift) // 机器码段 | (workerId << workerIdShift) // 机器码段 | sequence; // 自增序列段 } /** * Wait until next millisecond * @param lastTimestamp * @return */ private long waitUntilNextMilli(long lastTimestamp) { long currentTimeMillis; do { currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); } while (currentTimeMillis <= lastTimestamp); return currentTimeMillis; } /** * Get util instance * @param dataCenterId * @pjsaram workerId * @return */ public static SnowflakeUtils getInstance(long dataCenterId, long workerId) { return new SnowflakeUtils(dataCenterId, workerId); } }