- 效果
- 砖块实现
- 小车
- 小球
- 初始化和主循环
import pygame import random WIDTH, HEIGHT = 640, 400 # 游戏窗口尺寸 SIZE = 20 # 砖块尺寸 # 颜色定义 C_PADDLE = (120, 120, 120) C_BRICK = (0, 128, 55) C_BALL = (233,233,233) BLACK = (25, 25, 25) RED = (255, 0, 0)
作为一个砖块来说,只有三个属性,坐标( x , y ) (x,y)(x,y)以及边长size,又因为砖块不会动,所以这些参数仅作为传入的参数,而无需调用。而砖块唯一的行为,就是与小球发生碰撞,所以需要有一个判定方法。最终,砖块类实现如下
class Brick: def __init__(self, col, row, dy=50, size=SphpIZE, color=C_BRICK): x = col*size y = row*size + dy self.color = color self.rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, size, size) def hitRect(self, rect): return self.rect.colliderect(rect) def draw(self, screen): pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.color, self.rect)
@staticmethod def randBricks(dense=0.3, size=SIZE, xEdge=WIDTH): bricks = [] for row in range(5): col = 0 while (col+1)* size < xEdge: bricks.append(Brick(col, row)) col += 1 if random.random()>dense else 2 return bricks
class Car: def __init__(self, width, height=10, speed = 10, color=C_PADDLE, xEdge=WIDTH, yEdge=HEIGHT): self.width, self.height = width, height self.xEdge = xEdge self.color = color self.x = (xEdge - width) // 2 self.y = yEdge - 30 self.vx = speed # 只有x方向的速度 def move(self, keys): if keys[pygame.K_LEFT] and self.x > 0: self.x -= self.vx if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] and self.x < self.xEdge - self.width: self.x += self.vx def draw(self, screen): pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.color, (self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height))
class Ball: # xEdge, yEdge分别是水平核垂直方向的边缘 def __init__(self, radius, speed=5, xEdge=WIDTH, yEdge=HEIGHT, color=C_BALL): self.r = radius self.xEdge, self.yEdge = xEdge, yEdge self.color = color self.x = random.randint(radius, xEdge - radius) self.y = random.randint(yEdge//3, yEdge // 2) self.vx = self.vy = speed L = lambda self : self.x - self.r R = lambda self : self.x + self.r U = lambda self : self.y + self.r D = lambda se编程lf : self.y - self.r xy = lambda self : (self.x, self.y) def move(self): self.x += self.vx self.y += self.vy def rect(self): d = self.r * 2 return pygame.Rect(self.L(), self.D(), d, d) # 撞击边缘 def hitEdge(self): if self.L() < 0 or self.R() > self.xEdge: self.vx *= -1 if self.U() < 0: self.vy *= -1 elif self.U() > self.yEdge: return True return False # 撞击car def hitCar(self, car): if self.y + self.r >= car.y and car.x <= self.x <= car.x + car.width: self.vy *= -1 def hitBricks(self, bricks): for brick in bricks[:]: if brick.hitRect(self.rect()): self.vy *= -1 bricks.remove(brick) return 1 return 0 def draw(self, screen):, self.color, (self.x, self.y), self.r)
def drawGamerOver(screen, font, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT): w, h = font.size('GAME OVER') msg = font.render('GAME OVER', True, RED) screen.blit(msg, ((width - w) // 2, (height - h) // 2 - 40)) w, h = font.size('点击任意位置,再来一局') msg = font.render('点击任意位置,再来一局', True, RED) screen.blit(msg, ((width - w) // 2, (height - h) // 2 编程+ 40))
def init(): ball = Ball(10) car = Car(100) bricks = Brick.randBricks() return ball, car, bricks # 初始化 Pygame pygame.init() window = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) font = pygame.font.Font(r"SimHei.ttf", 3编程客栈0) pygame.display.set_caption("打砖块") # 初始化弹球、板、砖块的位置 ball, car, bricks = init() score, running, gameOver = 0, True, False
while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() running = False break if gameOver: ball, car, bricks = init() gameOver, score = False, 0 if not runningandroid: break if not gameOver: keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() car.move(keys) # 移动小车 ball.move() # 移动弹球 ball.hitCar(car) if ball.hitEdge(): bricks = Brick.randBricks() # 重新初始化游戏 gameOver = True # 游戏结束 score += ball.hitBricks(bricks) # 清空窗口 window.fill(BLACK) if not gameOver: car.draw(window) ball.draw(window) for brick in bricks: brick.draw(window) # 显示分数 score_text = font.render(f"Score: {score}", True, C_BRICK) window.blit(score_text, (20, 20)) else: drawGamerOver(window, font) pygame.display.flip() # 更新屏幕显示 pygame.time.delay(30) # 控制帧率
以上就是python使用PyGame实现打砖块游戏的详细内容,更多关于python PyGame打砖块游戏的资料请关注编程客栈(其它相关文章!