How to model bind to a List<ViewModel>?
I'm trying to accomplish something like this. I feel like it's possible, and if not probably an oversight in the MVC framework?
<%@ Page Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<List<MyViewModel>>" %>
<% foreach (MyViewModel vm in Model) {
Html.RenderPartial("MyViewModelPartial", vm);
} %>
The partial view being an editable form, strongly typed to a single MyViewModel, and use the DataAnnotations on the MyViewModel class to validate
public ActionResult FooController(List<MyViewModel> vml)
Is this possible? This seems like the most logical way to build grid/table structures in MVC(with each partial view being a table row) but I can't seem to get it to work and I end up using FormCollection in my controller to loop through the whole dang form, and it's just messy.
Which is linked to from:
Complex model binding to a list
How ASP.NET MVC: How can I bind a property of type List<T>?