
Loop through a string with jQuery/javascript

I am loading a simple txt file from the same server as the current web page using jQuery - this file will always include a plain number with no formatting - e.g. 123456


  var test;
  $.getJSON('myfile.txt', function(data) {
    test = data;
    showAlert(); // this call will display actual value

  function showAlert() {


At the moment, the code pulls the file in and then shows the content in an alert box but what I want to do is read through the response character by character and create an HTML string which I can then insert in to the page - each character would be converted to an image tag.

For example if the response was 123 I want to create a string holding the following HTML:

<img src="1.png" />
<img src="2.png" />
<img src="3.png" />开发者_如何转开发;

And then I will insert that string into a div on my page.

Can anybody suggest how to go about looping through the response to create the img tags?


To loop through the characters in a string you would do this:

var s = '123456';
for ( var i = 0; i < s.length; i++ )
  // `s.charAt(i)` gets the character
  // you may want to do a some jQuery thing here, like $('<img...>')
  document.write( '<img src="' + s.charAt(i) + '.png" />' );

I love jQuery.map for stuff like this. Just map (ie convert) each number to a snippet of html:

var images = jQuery.map((1234567 + '').split(''), function(n) {
  return '<img src="' + n + '.png" />'

images[0]; // <img src="1.png" />
images[1]; // <img src="2.png" />
images[2]; // <img src="3.png" />
// etc...

which you can then join('') and jam into the DOM in one swift punch:


And bob's your uncle.

You can use a regular expression that matches a single character, and replace each character with an image tag that contains the character:

var html = data.replace(/(.)/g, '<img src="$1.png" />')

The pattern . matches a single character, the parentheses around it makes it a match to output, the g option stands for global so that it replaces all mathces, not just the first one. The $1 marker in the replacement string is where the match output (the character) will be placed.

I'm going to show a few different ways to iterate over the characters in a string str using only native JavaScript functionality.

Plain for loop

The good old ES3 way. This will work in browsers as old as IE 6.

for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
    var chr = str.charAt(i);

forEach on split array

ES5 compatible.

str.split('').forEach(function (chr) {

forEach on string

ES5 compatible. Will perform a little faster than the previous method for large strings.

Array.prototype.forEach.call(str, function (chr) {

for-of loop

Runs in new browsers only. Requires ES6 support.

for (var chr of str) {

As a note, in some common cases bulk operations over the characters in a string are better performed without an iteration using functional programming paradigms. For example, to retrieve an array from the characters in a string, str.split('') is enough, or with ES6 syntax [...str]. To map the characters in a string like array elements, it's much better to call Array.prototype.map directly on the string:

Array.prototype.map.call(str, function (chr) {
    return '<img src="' + chr + '.png" />';

Simplest string for-in loop:

const str = 'ABC123'

for (let i in str)
  console.log( str[i] )





验证码 换一张
取 消

