
Session array in injected PHP/JS

Can somebody enlighten me as to the best way (or, if it's even possible) to access session data in a php/js file that is injected into the DOM?

Illustrative example, to be more clear:


     $_SESSION['logged_in'] = true;

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.domain.com/include.php"></script>



$logged_in =  $_SESSION['logged_in'];


alert("<?php echo $logged_in; ?>");

The include.php script is one that, ideally, any client could drop into their header, not that that necessarily matters. I do have the ability to pass parameters in the script URL (i.e. http://www.domain.com/include.php?s=213409239323939) so I've thought about passing the session ID that way, but I'm unsure if there are inherent security risks in exposing the session ID. Any advice or thoughts are welcome.

** EDIT - I should make clear that the script开发者_JAVA百科 file (include.php) is a different domain name

You are always exposing the session ID in some way - either in the cookie, or a GET parameter. Carrying the session ID over is not a security risk in itself. (Edit: This is referring to same-domain links. Cross-server session propagation is a different issue, nicely outlined e.g. here).

However, if at all possible, consider doing all the dynamic bits of your script in the document itself:

MyDynamicData =
 { xyz:  "<?php echo $_SESSION["xyz"]; ?>",
   abc:  "<?php echo $_SESSION["abc"]; ?>"

<script src="external_script.js"></script>

that would allow you to have the external JavaScript as a static resource, which is good because

  • It is easily cached because it has no dynamic bits
  • It can be compressed by the web server
  • It doesn't need a separate PHP process to serve.

You mean like this?

  var is_logged = <? echo $_SESSION['logged'] ? "true" : "false"; ?>;
<!--other stuff and html here-->
 //do stuff

Maybe I'm wrong but isn't it possible to see your session Id, and cookie data in Firefox? If it is I see no security risk, to make it visible in the Url





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