Drupal: run custom code when a form is submitted
how can I run specific 开发者_运维知识库code when a form is submitted in Drupal ?
I'm using hook_form_alter to edit the form, but I actually need to collect the data inserted by user and run code when the user click on "Save / Register" etc
You can add callbacks to the submit array. It goes something like this:
function myform_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if($form_id == 'some_form') {
$form['#submit'][] = 'mycallback';
function mycallback(&$form, &$form_state) {
// do stuff
Try adding the following function:
function myform_form_submit($form_id, $form_values){
// custom code
worked for me. Hope it helps :)