
Code to html converter [closed]

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What is good free tool (both online, offline) to convert code (could be also html code) text snippet (already formatted) to html with code highlighting (keywords at least) and keep original formatting (as html snippet already) to make it possible to insert to blog?

If you are using WordPress, I can recommend this extension. It should be exactly what you are looking for.

Just an example, taken from the page:

Code to html converter [closed]

I had good experience google-prettify - the same engine they use here at SO. Based on javascript, should be pretty easy to integrate, even in content management systems (did it with Plone)

you can do this in visual studio it self. create empty html file and copy the code whatever you want. then paste it in to design view of the above created temporary html file. it will generate the formatting with syntax highlighting.

I use SyntaxHighlighter which works quite well on BlogSpot.





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