XPath with Java - Selecting a text value between subtags
I'm working on this html snippet:
<p class="pageSelector">
<a href="/BlaBla">< Prev</a>
<a href="/BlaBla">1</a>
开发者_C百科 <a href="/BlaBla">2</a>
<a href="/BlaBla">3</a>
<a href="/BlaBla">5</a>
<a href="/BlaBla">6</a>
<a href="/BlaBla">Next ></a>
rendered (more or less) as < Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next > .
I want to select the "4" because I need to discover the 'current' page. Using
(tested with Firefox XPath Ckecker) I thougth I'd solved but no, because I obtained 7 matches.
Anyone please could tell me where I'm wrong? Thank you
normalize-space removes whitespace, but the no-break-space character (despite its visual appearance) is not considered to be whitespace for this purpose. So I would do
text()[translate(., ' 	

 ', '')]
which will return you those child text nodes that contain a character other than whitespace or no-break-space; you may then need to process this further to extract the part of the content you want.
if your using xslt you could apply a further template onto the a tags using
<xsl:template match="p[@class='pageSelector']/a/text()[normalize-space()]">
this will mean that your left with just the 4