Rails app using Oauth to post to Twitter, getting "not authorized" when running in production server. OK in localhost
I'm trying to use Twitter's Oauth Single Token for posting from a rails app to my twitter feed (single user use-case is perfect for my app). This Is what I'm talking about.
Here's the relevant part of my code:
twitter_consumer_key = 'AAAAAA...'
twitter_consumer_secret = 'BBBBBB///'
oauth_token = 'CCCCC....'
oauth_token_secret = 'DDD.....'
consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new(twitter_consumer_key, twitter_consumer_secret, :site => "http://api.twitter.com", :scheme => :header)
access_token = OAuth::AccessToken.from_hash(consumer, :oauth_token => oauth_token, :oauth_token_secret => oauth_token_secret)
response = access_token.post("http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.json",开发者_开发百科 {:status => "Coffee's ready at 191 Peachtree!! "+Time.now.to_i.to_s})
logger.info response.inspect
When I run this in my local machine, everything goes well and the post is created on my feed. When I run it on my production server (centos5.5, Apache 2, Passenger, Rails 3.0.4) I get "HTTPUnauthorized".
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?
Thanks in advance.
Try with filling Callback URL in settings of your application on dev.twitter.com. Should be something like that:
Callback URL http://yousite.com/auth/twitter/callback
Per abraham's comment, I'm adding the solution as an answer instead of a comment:
My server's timezone was incorrectly set so I was getting the following error in the response body:
{"request":"\/1\/statuses\/update.json","error":"Timestamp out of bounds"}
I set the time and timezone correctly and now it's working fine.