
Adobe dreamweaver - how do I set default positioning of divs to percent instead of pixels

In dreamweaver while positioning the controls (design tab) the css position values (left, top etc) are generated in pixe开发者_运维问答ls. Is there any setting through which I can get the values generated in percentages(%) ?

Update: Added my current layout for reference. Regards

Adobe dreamweaver - how do I set default positioning of divs to percent instead of pixels

In the Properties pane, you scroll down to the CSS properties you want, (eg: position) and use the select box to choose your type of positioning.

Use the same pane to scroll to top, left or whichever and there will be two select boxes side by side, the first one is for the value, the other for the measurement.

Adobe dreamweaver - how do I set default positioning of divs to percent instead of pixels

It is possible to figure the percentage if you know the height and width of the page. You can use drag and drop to size your container and place your them where you want them to be. Divide Dreamweaver's top and height pixels for the container by the page height. And divide Dreamweaver's left and width pixels for the container by the width of the page. It's a bit of work but it can be done.





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