Get current location address for android app
I do not need to display a map. However, I need to use the gps/3g network to locate my current positions ADDRESS (not long and lat) this will then be added to a automated sms response to inform a开发者_开发知识库 person that I currently cant reply, & the include the string address of my current location. I have the sms stuff working, just need to figure out a method of accessing the gps and pulling an address. I have seen sample code for lat/long. Perhaps I need to convert lat/long into an address within the google maps API? I am unsure howto go about it. Any advice/code snippets/similar tutorials welcome! Thanks. :)
There are two steps to this:
Get the current location - latitude & longitude, using the GPS, network, last-known location etc. The Android location documentation includes sample code.
Use the Android Geocoder class to request a lookup to convert the lat/long to an Address (from which you can easily extract city, country, street, etc). Specifically, you need to use the getFromLocation() method
- The getFromLocation() method returns a SET of matches. In some scenarios you can show the user a set (say 5) and let them choose the best one, or you can just use the first one, assuming it's best.
- Remember that both these calls can take time. The GPS/network may take a while to provide a location. Likewise the call to getFromLocation() may take time, as it goes over the network to the Google Maps API. Therefore it is critical that you use extensive error handling for the various scenarios AND that both these calls are moved onto a separate thread so you don't lock up the app user interface (look into AsyncTask)
- The Geocoder class backend is only present on Google-approved devices. So the lookup will basically fail on any device that doesn't have GMail/Market/Maps on it.
The answer is here:
You need to create Geocoder object and call getFromLocation(double latitude, double longitude, int maxResults)
Geocoder gCoder = new Geocoder(myContext);
ArrayList<Address> addresses = gCoder.getFromLocation(123456789, 123456789, 1);
if (addresses != null && addresses.size() > 0) {
Toast.makeText(myContext, "country: " + addresses.get(0).getCountryName(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
As you know for getting location address you can use google GeoCoder
beside that for get location addresses by providing latitude and longitude you can use this API.this is reliable and more faster than google Geocoder.Here i attach the link and small example...
API url -
you can concatenate latitude and longitude value next to equal sign at the url.
example -
lat = 6.123456
lng = 79.123456
String url =
this will return a nice jsonObject and you can play with it, just try this.Currently im using this API for my location services and its more faster than normal google geoCoder API.To catch the json response you can use volley or anything.Happy coding.