question on linq select join
I would like to list out all the students who have yet to pay off their course fee i.e. when a student is clicked, list out all pending fees by months.
This is what I have done so far..
These are all the students active courses.Below are the payments record paid by student to their course.
This is what I tried..
foreach (var result in activeCourses)
//Sho开发者_JAVA百科w all the pending paid coures from dateJoin till datetime.Now
DateTime JoinedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(result.cus.Date);
for (DateTime d = JoinedDate; d.Month <= DateTime.Now.Month; d = d.AddMonths(1))
Payment payment = new Payment();
payment.Course.Id = result.c.Id;
payment.Course.Name = result.c.Name;
payment.Course.Fee = result.c.Fee;
payment.CourseByStudent.CourseUserStatus.Date =;
payment.CourseByTutor.TutorId = result.t.TutorId;
payment.User.Name = result.u.Name;
payment.MonthId = d.Month;
payment.MonthToPay = d.ToString("MMM");
The logic given above does not seem to be efficient in case the student does not pay anything for his courses, then I have to check the pending payment since his first JoinedDate. OtherWise I need to check the pending payment from the DateIssue in the Payment table according to that particular course..please advice thanksi will use back the same approach to show the late payment.
for (DateTime d = lastPaidDate.AddMonths(1); d.Month <= DateTime.Now.Month; d = d.AddMonths(1))