MySQL update query between two tables
I have a user photo utility on my website that is getting updated with some new functionality.
The basic structure is a table with photo data and a table with photo album data.
Every user that u开发者_高级运维ploads a photo gets a default album that has an albumid = 0 in userphotos and this default album has no record in useralbums.
This is changing so I inserted a record for each distinct 0 albumid and userid from userphotos into useralbums where the albumid is an auto increment field and I defaulted the albumname to "My Photos"
So a sample record I have now is as follows…
pictureid: 100
albumid: 0
userid: 1
albumid: 1
userid: 1
album_name: "My Photos"
Now what I need to do is update the userphotos table with the new albumid.
I can't get an update statement to run correctly.
It needs to do something like this:
update userphotos set
userphotos.albumid = useralbums.albumid
where userphotos.userid = useralbums.userid and
userphoto.albumid = 0 and
useralbums.albumname = "My Photos"
Or maybe something easier could be done when I do the initial insert from userphotos to useralbums?
Got it:
UPDATE userphotos p, useralbums a
SET p.albumid = a.albumid
a.userid = p.userid
AND a.album_name = "My Photos"
AND p.albumid = 0
You can do it with an INNER JOIN
UPDATE userphotos
INNER JOIN useralbums ON userphotos.albumid = useralbums.albumid
SET userphotos.albumid = useralbums.albumid
WHERE userphoto.albumid = 0 and
useralbums.albumname = "My Photos"