Programmatically alter an Excel sheet's row height
How can I alter the row heights of all m开发者_如何转开发y non empty rows in my EXCEL sheet? Thanks in advance, w.
...EntireRow.RowHeight = value;
Seems to be "Range.RowHeight" to modify the range's row height.
I use the following:
xlWorkSheet.Rows.RowHeight = height;
xlWorkSheet.StandardWidth = width;
MySheet.UsedRange.EntireRow.Height = value;
Is ready only. Unfortunately it won't work.
Try this:
NamedRange.RowHeight = X;
Please check MSDN for more info. :
This works for me:
var SomeCell = (Excel.Range)_xlSheet.Cells[1, 1];
SomeCell.Value2 = "What was D.D. Eisenhower's Gettysburg Address?";
SomeCell.RowHeight = 32;
Try this
sampleRange.Resize.RowHeight=x; //x's type must int
try this, you can loop true all rows with a for loop something like this
int i = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < column.Count(); i++)
worksheet.Row(i).Height = 100;
using (XLWorkbook xLWorkbook = new XLWorkbook())
var wordsheet = xLWorkbook.Worksheets.Add(dtEmpDetail, status);
wordsheet.Row(2).Height = 50;