How to open a txt File in Squeak4.1
Friend, How can open a txt file in Squeak4.1 ,the code Shall be like this:
at: #f put: (FileStream open: '/root/test' mode: FileStream rea开发者_JS百科d) !
f do: [ :c | Transcript nextPut: c ] !
f close !
can any body give some hints on how to open the file and do the + - * / equation ? thanks first :)
I'd use one of these methods...
fileContents := FileStream
readOnlyFileNamed: '/root/test'
do: [:f | f contents ].
Using the block form above automatically closes the file, you can't forget. Or..
fileContents := (FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: '/root/test')
#contentsOfEntireFile also automatically closes the file, you don't need to do it again.
In a language with blocks, it just makes no sense to manually close the stream when higher order methods are available that ensure you don't have to do so.
This should work:
|file fileContents|
file := FileStream fileNamed: '/root/test'.
fileContents := file contentsOfEntireFile.
file close.
f:=StandardFileStream fileNamed: 'myFile.txt'.
Transcript show: f upToEnd.
f close.
I use StandardFileStream for raw input without UTF-8 detection and read upToEnd because reading single characters is not considered apropriate.